Need Support?

If you have any questions or need help with your account.

Please Call (07) 3180 3500 (Within Australia) or email us

Customer Care Centre:

Mon-Fri: 07:00am – 3:00pm

Sat-Sun: Closed

Payment Options & Choices

We provide a number of payment options for our customers and clients including credit/debit card options along with finance payment options.

Credit/Debit Cards

We process all major credit/debit cards including the following:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
AfterPay Payment Option

We offer Afterpay options via Shop now and split the cost over 4 smaller payments over 6 weeks.

To Use AfterPay all you need is:

  • Have an Australian residential address
  • Pay with a credit or debit card
  • Be over 18 years old
  • Transactions must be between $100 and $1500

How Afterpay works.

Pay over 6 weeks.

Get what you need now. Make your first payment today and the rest over 6 weeks. We’ll send you reminders, so you never miss a payment.

Smart spend limits.

Our spending limits start at around $600 and only increase gradually with responsible spending behaviour.

No fees when you pay on time.

Afterpay is free when you pay on time. Pay nothing to sign up, no establishment fees, no monthly account fees.

Never pay interest.

We never charge interest. Full stop.

Terms of service
Afterpay allows you to pay for your purchase over 4 instalments due every 2 weeks. In some cases, Afterpay may require you to make a payment at the time of purchase. You must be over 18 years old and be the authorised holder of an eligible debit/credit card to apply. All orders are subject to Afterpay’s approval – for example, if you have any overdue payments, Afterpay will not be available to you. 

To read the full terms and conditions click here

Humm Payment Option

We offer repayment plans via Humm, a buy now pay later interest-free credit option. Learn more about how you can shop with Jack Frost through Humm and get an interest FREE plan for all your car air conditioning repair needs.

What is Humm?

Humm is Australia’s Bigger Buy Now Pay Later. That’s because, with Humm, you can shop not just the little things but the big things as well, up to $30,000, and pay it later – over up to 60 months – always interest-free.

Humm is split into two products:

  • Little Things for purchases up to $2000
  • Big Things for purchases over $2000 and up to $30,000.

How much you’re able to borrow depends on Humm’s approval process, and you may not be able to borrow the maximum amount.

Am I eliglbe for humm?

To get a humm account you need to:

• Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
• Be at least 18 years of age.
• Be permanently employed working at least 25 hours per week or receiving an aged or veterans pension;
• Have never declared bankruptcy or that your about to become or are insolvent.

How to use Humm?

Download the humm app

Download the humm app and sign up today.

Shop at any humm retailer

Shop instore with the humm app ready.

Checkout with humm

Use //CARD in the app at checkout.

Terms of service
Humm offers two lines of credit options (1) Little things for purhcases up to $2000 and (2) Big things for purchases over $2000 and up to $30,000. Each option has it’s own set of terms and conditions and application process.

To read the full terms and conditions click here

Payment Options

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